An Advanced Aid for Panorama Lovers

This is what we wanted to accomplish along with the subsequent achievements of loyalty and reliability.

Working for and leading the panorama picture fans to the highest possible zenith!

Why we are here?

We are here to make it possible to enjoy the different panoramic photos at just a click! We are here to make this possible for anyone regardless of knowledge and age.

We understand that it has never been easy for anyone to convert simple photos into panoramic ones regardless of the approach or technique in use. At least, the conventional means were a bit tedious! On the other hand, the initial digital means lacked flexibility and versatility. To overcome these issues, the make of this tool decided to come up with a corresponding solution.

Talking about the making of this tool, it was not that straightforward. This is because it required significant brainstorming and consideration of all possible perspectives as well as aspects that could affect the end result while retaining flexibility, ease of use, and versatility intact. While these were the challenges, they are the ones to be given the full credit for making this tool a reality.

No invention or discovery is possible without overcoming challenges. The harder they are; the sweeter is the accomplishment as well as its subsequent achievements. This is exactly what Mr. Taylor, the founder and maker, have experienced and asks others also to do the same. He firmly believes in welcoming all hurdles and challenges, as they are required for sustenance until the goal is achieved.

In alignment with the vision and mission are the values. They help in accomplishing the former two without breaking the social, legal, and human boundaries. As specified by Mr. Taylor, the values are integrity, transparency, innovation, commitment, continual self-improvement, and honesty. Without any of them, the organizational team believes that it is neither possible to survive nor it is possible to grow.

  • Mr. Taylor has laid down the vision, mission, and values for this organization. The vision is to transform the way in which panoramas are made digitally using the available photos or images so that it becomes simple and joyful to do so. For this, the mission is to search and implement all possible ways to bring this transformation effectively and positively regardless of the challenges or hurdles. Only then can the panorama lovers experience ease, flexibility, and versatility at their best possible zenith!
    Joemarie Avina